One of my best friends, Anne Turner-Locke, has posted a fanfiction on the GONE series by Michael Grant.
Yes, she was embarrassed to tell anyone at first. I don't understand why, I mean fanfiction doesn't exactly seem weird to me, but it did to everyone else.
Anyways, I read the books to support her, and I loved them! If you haven't gotten the first two (GONE and HUNGER) then go buy them now!
It is a junior Lord of the Flies, post-apocalyptic book. It's a really easy and pretty quick read, and fun and light. Young-adult fiction, so there is no swearing or sex or anything, but it still is somewhat realistic, even though it is supernatural...
The arc Anne is writing about is the relationship between Caine Soren and Diana Ladris. Caine is the "bad guy" of the books, and Diana is his second in command, and equally as scary. They have a lot of sexual tension and all that fun stuff. Anne is an amazing writer and has based most of her fanfic on the events in the books. She had added scenes that are plausible and nothing is far-fetched. Her whole story could have been happening in GONE, just the reader wasn't present during those times (she hasn't made it into HUNGER yet).
Her stuff is fun and deep, and basically I am proud of her. All her reviews are great and she only has support. The only criticism was her punctuation and spelling errors, which are so minor they are hard to detect. And they are only present since she doesn't read the work after she writes it, her fanfic is "not something I want to get a grade or review on, I only want to tell the story inside my head."
But you should review, esp. if the criticism is constructive:D
The first novel is GONE, Sam and Astrid (The good guys) are on the cover, HUNGER is the second with Caine and Diana on the cover
Yes yes read it! It is amazing. nice blod, keep going